Dizzy - The Sun and Her Scorch: You don’t just hear it, you feel it#
Two years ago I stumble upon indie music, and have never looked back since then. Today, I love indie music for how true to the soul it is. One of my favorite indie artists is Dizzy, a Canadian indie alt-pop four-piece band. Dizzy recently released their new record The Sun and Her Scorch. It is so beautiful! My top two songs on this record are:
The Magician: which is about Katie Munshaw (who is the vocalist of the band) wanting to magically bring a friend who passed away back to real life.
You be the bird, I’ll be a magician 🎶
Personally, this song reminds me of a great college friend of mine who passed away in a tragic accident in 2019. Overall, the song sounds like such an emotional story portrayed beautifully with a little hope.
Roman Candles: which is about the spiraling anxiety and fear one feels whenever they think of having made the wrong career choice.
“The song is about being nervous and scared that I’ve made the wrong decision in pursuing music as a career. I feel like I’m being left behind in a way. I think it’s hard for people to understand music as a career when you’re not famous. If you’re not Dua Lipa, people are worried about you. They don’t realise that it is a career option. It can be hard to relate to people, especially when I’m not going to work every morning. Christmas dinners are usually pretty awkward. ‘Oh, you’re still doing music, eh?’ ‘Yes, grandpa!’” – Katie Munshaw, Apple Music
On a personal note, I’ve been extremely lucky to (1) have a fulfilling job that I enjoy (2) to work in realms that allow me to cross institutional and geographic boundaries to collaborate on tools and research software. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to help with moving science forward.
In a year (2020) that in the future may be known as “the year we shall not speak of”, Music has been a great source of solace….
Here’s the full album on spotify. Enjoy 😊